  • 期刊

Proximal Femoral Geometry in Chinese Adults



近端骰骨髓內徑的型態對於人工髖關節的設計,骰骨的應力分析均極重要,我們以100例正常人股骨近瑞的正面及側面的X光片,加上可顯影量尺,利用Orthographics 公司發展出的電腦計量系統(Researchmetrics),以及統計分析軟體,針對近端股骨髓內的各項指標,作相關及統計的分析。   我們發現,中國人的近端股骨型態屬於倒立香檳瓶的居多,而年老者比年輕者有較宜的型態,另外,我們又以市面上常用的三種人工髖關,作同樣指標的分析,發現主要有下列幾點與中個人不儘相符:一、市面上的人工關節的中心座標距離,均大約3.2cm,而我們的抽樣計量中,有45%是小於3.2cm。二、人工關節在小轉子的對應寬度,均在1.2cm以上,但我們的抽樣中,小轉子中點內徑在1.2cm以下的,約佔30%。三、植入物對骰骨而言不是太長就是太短。四、固定的股骨頸前傾角度,無法契合實際的變異範圍。   總而言之,大概有15%的人,需要有更小的人工股骨部份的設計,而由我們的數據,也可進一步分類端股骨的體態特性。




The endosteal dimensions of 100 roentgenograms of proximal femur in normal Chinese adults were measured by the Researchmetrics (Ortho-graphics Inc., version 5.1, 1988) and analysed by SAS statistical tools. Theendosteal shape of proximal femur most belonged to the Champagneflute type. However, the shape becomes more straight in the elder group than in the younger one. The apparent mismatches between the geometry and the commercial implants often appear in the head offset, the level of lesser trochanter and the length of stem which were thought to provide more stable fixation in hip arthroplasty. Most of the current implants has the head offset over 3.2 cm, but that of normal femur is less than 3.2 cm in about 45%. And the endosteal diameter at the level of lesser trochanter is less than 1.2 cm, in about 30%, although that of the current implants is longer than 1.2cm, therefore, smaller designs are necessary for 15% of Chinese people. Based on the data in our study, the construction of Somatype of proximal femur of Chinese adult is possible.
