  • 期刊

Salmonella Vertebral Osteomyelitis with Pulmonary Empyema in an Immunocompetent Patient: A Case Report



A 61-year-old male farmer fell into a ravine, fracturing his first lumbar spine. Initially he was treated conservatively but within the first three days of admission, he developed intermittent fever spikes. Urine and blood cultures yielded Salmonella Group C1. Although the patient was immediately placed on a third-generation cephalosporin therapy, he developed a secondary infection of the fracture site. Surgery on the infected vertebra significantly improved the neurological deficits of the lower extremities. The patient's white blood cell (WBC) count and C-reactive protein (CRP) level steadily decreased to the normal range in the course of the antibiotic treatment. But persistently high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and intermittent fever spikes caused concern. We tried to uncover other systemic infections, but could not find any until a computed tomographic (CT) scan of the chest was performed. The CT scan showed a leftside pulmonary empyema behind the mediastinum. The empyema was treated with echo-guided aspiration. Then the empyema shrank and the ESR level fell dramatically. Six months later, the infectious spine was successfully fused and the patient now has no limitations in his daily activities.
