  • 期刊


A Case Study on the Target Market Positioning Strategy of the Measurement of Tourism Image in Sun-Moon Lake Scenic Area


本研究嘗試以心理學之“刺激-個體-反應”法則(S-O-R)”來探討遊客旅遊意象的心理反應,並藉由李克特尺度來度量遊客對風景區屬性知覺強度,希望進一步找出影響日月潭風景區旅遊意象的遊客個人因素,以作為遊憩市場定位策略之參考。 研究結果顯示日月潭風景區旅遊意象的概念依多元尺度分析形成二向度模式一整體性與屬性、功能特徵與心理特徵,而藉由因素分析可分為「旅遊吸引力構面」、「旅遊活動構面」、「旅遊服務構面」、「旅遊知名度構面」及「旅遊管理構面」等五個構面,以「旅遊知名度」印象最深刻。另將風景區屬性變項經群落分析得知日月潭風景區的遊客可分為「旅遊品質型」、「旅遊活動型」、「一般大眾型」及「慕名而來型」四類旅遊意象遊客,以「一般大眾型」遊客為最多。其中過去的熟悉度與滿意度等旅遊經驗對「旅遊吸引力構面」、「旅遊活動構面」及「旅遊知名度構面」等旅遊意象有顯著不同,而在本次旅遊經驗中,遊客停留時間、交通工具、同伴人數及未來日月潭風景區的建設管理等對五個旅遊意象構面分別有顯著的不同。


In the field of leisure travel psychology, this article examined the Stimulus-Organism-Response principle and by which to portray the process of tourist's mental representation. By way of using the Likert-type scale to measure the strength and weakness of image attributes, we could further assess the impact of individual tourist experience on tourism image. The results of this study in Sun-Moon Lake Scenic Area indicated some useful insight of promotion. First, the dates supported the point of view that Sun-Koon Lake Scenic Area did have tourism image. By using the multidimensional scaling technique, the conceptual framework for tourism image was displayed in two dimensions individually interpreted holistic-attribute continuum and function-psychological characteristics continuum Through the factor analysis of image attributes, attributes were captured by individually five tourism image factors; they were attraction, activities, service, reputation and management. The dominant factor was reputation. The third procedure of exploring tourism image was to divide the tourist type which held the tourism image into four groups. They were a group who came to enjoy themselves, a group who came to participate in some activity, a group who came to because of the popularity, and the least group was common which was the biggest group to visit. The past tourist's experience such as familiarity and atisfaction that could make significantly different result for three tourism image factors of attraction, activity and reputation. The present tourist's experience such as trip times, vehicle, participating activities and expectation were the variables that couldn't make significantly different results in five tourism image factors.


陳秋蓉(2008)。遊客體驗、旅遊意象與重遊意願關係之研究 -以西拉雅國家風景區為例〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2008.00066
