  • 期刊


The Relationships of Job Stress and Family Stress to Leisure Behavior of Tour Guides and Tour Leaders


本研究旨在探討導遊和領隊人員所承受之工作壓力與家庭壓力狀況,壓力與休閒活動參與程度之關係,以及兩類旅行業人員在壓力感受程度與休閒活動參與之關係上是否有所差異。 本研究先以立意抽樣選取北、中、南三地區共計24家旅行社,再由其受僱之導遊及領隊人員填答問卷,總計回收有效問卷422份(包括導遊104名,領隊318名)。本研究之自變項爲工作壓力及家庭壓力,依變項爲休閒活動總數與休閒活動時間。假設驗證結果顯示:導遊人員方面:(1)工作時所感受之焦慮感愈強烈或離職意願愈高時,所從事之休閒活動時間亦相對增加;在工作時表現極優異且受父司重用而自我肯定感愈高時,所從事之休閒活動數目亦隨之增加;(2)當離職意願愈高、工作時焦慮感愈強烈、憂鬱的情況愈少、及家庭中角色扮演失調的問題愈減緩時,其參與休閒活動的時間會相對增加。而在領隊人員方面:(1)當家庭經濟負擔愈重時,從事休閒活動時間及休閒活動總數會相對減少;(2)如家庭財務經濟壓力愈低、家庭中角色扮演失調問題愈大時,則有增加休閒活動參與時間的傾向。 導遊及領隊人員平日工作繁重,壓力極大,其休閒問題亟待正視。本研究最後提出幾項可行之建議以供相關單位參考。


導遊 領隊 工作壓力 家庭壓力 休閒行爲


The purpose of this study was to understand the nature and extent of job stress and family stress among tour guides and tour leaders, and to examine how the stress affected their leisure participation. In addition, the research explored how the two groups differed in their leisure participation patterns. The survey was conducted between December 15, 1995 and January 30, 1996. A total of 422 subjects, including 104 tour guides and 318 tour leaders responded to the study. The findings for the tour guides showed that: (a) while stress at work increased and desire to quit intensified, one tended to participate more frequently in leisure activities. Those who were highly appreciated by the company and had a sense of fulfillment and self-esteem also frequented their leisure participation; and (b) when the desire to quit and anxiety at work intensified, and when personal worries and family problems eased up, the total number of activity participation also increased. On the other hand, the tour leaders data revealed that: (a) family economic situation affected the participation of leisure activities. The heavier the family financial burden, the less frequently one participated in leisure activities; and (b) those with stable financial status and with role-playing dissonance within the family tended to participate in more leisure activities. As front-line travel service providers who carry heavy work load and are constantly under tremendous stress, tour guides and escorts deserve leisure opportunities of their own to ”get away from it all.” To meet that end, several viable practices were proposed.


