  • 期刊


An Analysis of American Library Association Accredited Degree Programs


本文試圖就當今美國圖書館學校(Library School)之系所名稱、授予學位與美國圖書館學會認可的碩士學位名稱及其歸屬進行觀察,以透視圖書資訊學門之特性與發展變化。美加地區ALA認可之圖書館學校共56所,扣除加拿大7所之外,美國學校計有49所。研究結果發現,系所名稱以圖書館與資訊科學命名者最多,普遍認同圖書館與資訊結合的學門為一種科學或多種科學。其次,偏向界定此學門為研究的集合(studies為複數),而非科學的屬性,因以圖書館與資訊研究名之。亦有不少系所名稱只見資訊或資訊置於圖書館前,顯見資訊之主導性。美國圖書館學校大都以school of起始命名,顯示學門之特異性與多樣性。最常見的學位名稱為圖書館與資訊科學碩士,其次為圖書館學碩士、圖書館與資訊研究碩士以及科學碩士。圖書館一詞在學位名稱與系所名稱中所佔比例相當,達73%,然而資訊一詞卻有明顯變化,系所名稱的資訊比例明顯高出學位名稱的資訊甚多,達41.4%。當今,最不同於以往的名稱是information school或school of information以及上級機構的school of informatics。至於其未來的發展遠景仍有待觀察。


According to the directory information (2006) extracted from the American Library Association on Office for Accreditation, this article describes and analyzes the name of academic units and the ALA-accredited degree programs that offered by 49 institutions of higher education in the United States of America. Library and Information Science(s) is the most common name of academic units. Library and Information Studies comes next. The predominant degree names of the accredited programs is master of library and information science, followed by master of library science, master of library and information studies and master of science. The word of ”library” is found both in the degree programs and name of academic units approximately equally, i.e., 73%. The word of ”information” appears in the names of nearly all the academic units, i.e., 98% that is 41.4% greater than that in degree programs. New emerging names of academic unit, such as ”information school”, ”school of information” or ”school of informatics” appear in multiple contexts. Their future development is worth further observation.


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