  • 期刊


A Study on the Method of Constructing Taiwan Aboriginal Knowledge Organization Structure


近年來,原住民族知識組織架構愈來愈受各界的關注與重視,然而由於過去原住民知識大多皆以口傳為主,鮮少有文字記載,故原住民族知識組織架構建構之不完整性是可想而知的。 為因應此劃時代之趨勢與需求,本研究旨在提出一套建構「台灣原住民族知識組織架構」之方法與步驟:透過對各種「知識組織系統」類型特色與呈現方式的分析,本研究認為「分類架構」應是目前較適用於呈現原住民族領域知識的知識組織系統;再藉由「領域分析」方法的探討,整合出台灣原住民族領域知識分析之整體流程;並根據現有原住民族知識組織架構及其建構之相關研究,歸納出建構原住民族知識組織架構時不可忽略的特性。期盼本研究可供原住民族相關單位與學者專家在未來建構時之參考。


In the past several years, the aboriginal knowledge organization structure has received a respectable amount of attention. However, aboriginal knowledge is commonly spread by oral tradition and rarely by the written word. With regards to such practice, the incompleteness of the structure of aboriginal knowledge organization is then quite understandable. The main purpose of this research is to attempt to introduce a series of methods and procedures for the creation of Taiwan's aboriginal knowledge organization structure in response to the current demands of our society. By analyzing the features and representation of a variety of organization structures, this study reached the conclusion that classification structures are the most suitable knowledge organization system for the representation of aboriginal knowledge. The method of domain analysis was further applied during research to trace the integral process of the analysis of aboriginal knowledge. Key characteristics for the construction of aboriginal knowledge organization structures have also been defined according to existing related studies. It is hoped that this study will be able to serve as reference for the future research of scholars and other aborigine related institutions.


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