  • 期刊


Application of Bradford's Law and Lotka's Law to Web Metrics Study on the Wiki Website


本研究藉助書目計量學中的布萊德福定律(Bradford's Law)與洛卡定律(Lotka's Law),以了解Wiki網站使用者的編寫狀況,並以國內自行架設的數位典藏網站「台灣棒球維基館」作為個案,探討其網頁分佈狀況和編輯者生產力。研究結果顯示:㈠網站頁面編輯次數之分布與布萊德福定律和布萊德福-齊夫定律符合程度極高;㈡多數的編輯集中在少數頁面,例如:前2%的核心頁面即產出了25%的編輯次數,近半數編輯是由8.8%的頁面所產生……等;㈢編輯者之頁數生產力洛卡分佈圖前半段近似洛卡所稱的一直線,該部分涵蓋了90%的編輯者,編輯一頁者約佔所有編輯者人數的45%,而編輯χ頁者約為編輯一頁者人數的1/χ^(1.5),編輯者百分比與編輯頁數之間大約呈現1.5次方直線反比關係;但後半段約佔10%的編輯者部分便呈現極度分散現象,與洛卡分佈不相符。㈣編輯者之次數生產力的洛卡分佈圖前半段也近似洛卡所稱的一直線,該部分涵蓋了90%的編輯者,編輯一次者約佔所有編輯者人數的31%,而編輯x次者約為編輯一次者人數的1/χ^1.3分之一編輯者百分比與編輯次數之間大約呈現1.3次方直線反比關係;但後半段約佔10%的編輯者部分也是呈現極度分散現象,與洛卡分佈不相符。


This study used both the Bradford's Law and the Lotka's Law in the traditional bibliometrics to explore the web users' behavior on Wiki Websites. In addition, by doing a case study for the ”Taiwan Baseball Wiki”, a digital archive website which was independently developed by Taiwan, this research discussed both the distribution of the web pages and the productivity of the editors on this Wiki Website. The research results show: (1) The distribution of the web-page editing frequency is highly consistent with the Bradord's Law and the Bradford-Zipf's Law. (2) Most editing work concentrates on a few web pages. For example, the first 2% of the core pages received 25% editing regarding the number of times; nearly half of the editing boiled down to 8.8% web pages, etc. (3) For the web-page productivity, the first half segment of the Lotka distribution, which covered about 90% of the editors, is closed to a straight line. It shows the number of edited web pages versus the percentage of editors have about 1.5th power inverse proportionality. (4) For the editing frequency productivity, the first half segment of the Lotka distribution, which covered about 90% of the editors, is also closed to a straight line. It shows the frequency of editing versus the percentage of editors have about 1.3th power inverse proportionality.


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