  • 期刊


A User Study of the Effectiveness of MAP (Multiple-Access to PubMed): A MeSH Based Query Suggestion Tool for PubMed




An interface, MAP (Multiple-Access to PubMed) was proposed here to provide MeSH term suggestion for PubMed bibliographic search. This paper reported the results of an experiment comparing users' search behaviors and performance between MAP and regular PubMed interfaces. A total of 44 graduate students in Bio-medical domains in Taiwan participated in the study. They were asked to ask for two information problems of their own alternately with the two interfaces. Comparison were made between the interfaces in terms query ”goodness”, result quality, and impact on users' querying behaviors. Information regarding the attributes of their information problems was also collected through questionnaire so that the effectiveness of the interfaces with different ty0pes of information problems can be explored. The results show that 1. Topic familiarity would influence users' querying behaviors; MAP had a high impact on users' queries when searching for unfamiliar problems. 2. MAP was shown to be helpful, especially when searching for search requests that the users had not attempted before. 3. MAP was most helpful in generating new research ideas. 4. MAP was shown to be able retrieve documents buried deep down in the initial returned results.


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