  • 期刊


To Study the Development Relationship of Technologies by the Structure of Technological Network


社會網絡分析的運用十分廣泛,近來社會網絡分析有越來越多運用到技術領域的趨勢。行動者(actor)與關係(relationship)是構成社會網絡分析研究的基本元素。本研究在操作上將技術當作是一個行動者,技術之間的引用(citation)代表技術的連結關係。利用技術之間所形成的技術網絡與其連結關係,以社會網絡分析技巧探討技術網絡的結構樣態,以探討技術群集在發展上的相互關係。本研究在研究方法上根據專利所在的網絡位置,依「結構對等性」(structural equivalence)進行「專利角色」與「專利位置」的分析。在社會網路分析中對此所使用的方法是Blockmodel。本研究使用UCINET中的CONCOR程式對資料進行處理。研究所得結果,在理論上的處理是符合邏輯的,從保險實務角度來看,亦符合實際現況的發展。保險商業方法專利藉由對其技術網絡的位置分析與角色分析,技術之間的發展關係與脈絡清晰可循。


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the technological structure of business methods in insurance. Concepts and techniques used in social network analysis are applied to a network of patents based on citation. By means of procedures drawing on the notion of structural equivalence, a set of roles and positions of insurance business methods are delineated. This paper has focused its discussion on patent data of classification UPC705/4 to explore possible technological relationship of development by technological structure in insurance industry. The result of this research found that there are 4 clusters in the structure of technological network and their mutual relationship of each clusters have been discussed.
