  • 期刊


Beyond the Dichotomy of Human Right Universalism and Cultural Relativism




All the work under review seems to agree that universalism is a product of relative history and relativism hosts a universalistic logic within the said communitarian boundaries. In short, the dichotomy is false. It should be clear that neither universalism nor relativism is a fact, nor are they about morality, nor can they justify themselves as human nature. Therefore, individuals must be recognized through self-responsibility in moving in and out of relative value systems. This responsibility is viable only if it is possible for individuals to be aware of the legitimate alternatives to their value systems. Right, in this sense, are rights to constantly shifting, combining, opening, and creating positions and identities. Political oppression is wrong because it denies alternative forms of existence, closes possibilities and arbitrates the undecidable, which harbor opportunities for emancipation and humanity.


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(2000).Human Rights and Asian Values: Contesting National Identities and Cultural Representations in Asia.Richmond, Surrey:Curzon.
Barnhart, Michael G.(2001).Negotiating Culture and Human Rights.New York:Columbia University Press.
Bell, Daniel(2000).When the East Meets the West.Princeton:Princeton University Press.
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王玉青(2008)。“同時,不過分開”- 當代“西方普遍主義”敘述下的儒家與伊斯蘭〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.02512
