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The Development of Quick Motor Problem Inventory for Children with Mild Motor Problems



基於缺乏評量輕微動作功能障礙的標準化評估工具,作者發展了簡易動作問題量表,以評量5-10歲兒童之動作能力為目標。 簡易動作問題量表有22項,包括反射之整合、肌肉拮抗/穩定能力、平衡、協調以及動作計畫等五個部份。本研究探討了此量表的心理計量特質,結果顯示其具有令人滿意的再測(ICC=.96)及施測者間(ICC=.82)信度,以及可接受的同時效度。簡易動作問題量表可用來檢測有輕微動作功能障礙的兒童之神經動作缺陷,以利設計兼顧動作能力與動作技巧的完整之介入方案。


Due to the lack of standardized tool to quantitatively assess mild motor problems of children, Quick Motor Problem Inventory (QMPI) was developed for evaluating motor abilities of children aged from 5 to 10 years. The QMPI contains 22 items for assessing reflex integration, muscle cocontraction/stability, balance, coordination and motor planning. This study investigated the psychometric properties of the QMPI. The results of this study indicated that QMPI has satisfactory test-retest reliability (ICC=.96), inter-rater reliability (ICC=.82), and acceptable concurrent validity. It is suggested to be used to detect neuro-motor deficits for children with mild motor problems followed by a comprehensive intervention program which addresses both motor abilities and motor skills.
