  • 期刊


The Effects of Indirect Shortwave Diathermy on Muscle Strength and Knee Function in Osteoarthritic Patients


欲了解局部脊髓反射所引起的間接性熱療在臨床上的效應,與直接性熱療之間的差異到底有多少?所以取材自民國81年2月至民國82年4月間在台大醫院骨科與復健科門診的兩膝性骨性關節炎(bilateral osteoarthritic knees)患者為研究對象,評估短波間接熱療的效果。評估的項貝包括:(1)理學檢查;(2)X-光變化;(3)等速肌力俱測試(isokinetic test);(4)膝功能障礙評量。75位患者隨機分為三組,第一、二組各是兩膝中症狀較嚴重的患膝接受感應線圈式的短波治療,治療的時候,第一組兩膝貼近,第二組兩膝分開30公分,第三組的患者是兩膝合併同時接受短波治療。 病患在接受第1次及最後一次治療的時候各接受一次上述的多項評估,經過平均46.2次的治療之後,比較兩次評估,結果顯示:間接熱療的效果,包括肌力的增加,膝功能的改善,皆與治療之前有明顯差異。接受間接熱療的患膝在治療的時候,最好貼近短波熱療區,以接受較強的短波電磁場的效用,臨床上也證實,貼近熱療區者,治療的效果會較好些。


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of indirect shortwave diathermy on muscle strength and knee function in osteoarthritic patients, and to compare the different effects between direct and indirect heat on osteoarthritic knees. This study was started from Feb. 1992 to Apr. 1993. There were 75 patients with bilateral osteoarthritic knees collected from out patient clinics in Department of Orthopaedics and Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University Hospital. They were divided into 3 groups by the clinical registration order. Twenty-five cases were grouped into group 1, their severer symptom knees received shortwave diathermy with induction cable directly, and each of them were instruct to put the contralateral knee close to the treated knee in order to receive indirect heat. Another 24 cases belonged to group 2, treatment procedure was the same as group 1, but every case kept the contralateral knee 30cm apart from the treated knee during receiving heat therapy. The other 26 cases who were group 3 patients were instructed to put both knees together and received shortwave diathermy simultaneously with longer induction cable of shortwave diathermy. The initial assessment was accomplished before the first treatment. The final assessment was finished after the last treatment. The assessment included physical examination, functional incapacity score, and isokinetic muscle strength test of bilateral knees for all 75 patients. This study demonstrated the following results: (1) The indirect shortwave diathermy has definite effect on osteoarthritic knees, including the improvement of isokinetic muscle strength and functional capacity. (2) It is similar in direct and indirect heat effect to the bilateral osteoarthritic knees depending on increasing muscle strength and promoting knee function. (3) There is better effect to put both knees close together as receiving indirect diathermy than to keep both knees separate 30cm distance apart.


Shortwave diathermy Indirect heat Arthritis
