  • 期刊


Importance and Satisfaction of Life Quality in Spinal Cord Injuried Patients in Taiwan


本研完的主要目的是:(l)評估脊髓損傷患者生活品質的重要性與滿意度;(2)比較四本研完的主要目的是:(l)評估脊髓損傷患者生活品質的重要性與滿意度;(2)比較四肢癱瘓與下半身癱瘓於生活品質各方面的異同。本研究調查對象爲全省脊髓損傷者。主要以郵遞方式寄交受調查者填寫。自1992年12月至1993年6月共寄出835份問卷,回收有效問卷420份,回收率爲50.3%。患者年齡爲14歲至71歲(平均37.4±10.8歲)。其中358位為男性,62位為女性。有89.8%為受傷一年以上。問卷的生活品質評估表共分(一)身體活動方面,(二)身體照護方面,(三)環境交通方面,(四)社會心理調適方面,(五)教育方面,及(六)經濟方面。共六大項,有56小題。生活品質的各項目分為(A)重要性及(B)滿意度。乃采用1至5分之等級給分法。5分為非常重要或非常滿意。而生活品質指數(Quality of Life Index:簡稱QLI)是「重要性」乘以「滿意度」。結果顯示:(1)脊髓損傷以年輕男性(20-39歲)的發生率為最高;(2)大多數脊髓損傷患者認爲生活品質方面非常重要的項目爲「全民健保保費由政府負擔」等;(3)大多數患者非常不滿意的項目為「可獨立上下樓梯」等;(4)四肢癱瘓者的生活品質指數於身體活動方面、身體照護方面、環境交通方面、教育方面及經濟方面明顯低於下半身完全和/或不完全癱瘓者;(5)於社會心理調適方面的生活品質指數,四肢完全和不完全癱瘓者(QLI分別為0.06和0.08),與下半身完全和不完全癱瘓者(QLI分別為0.16和0.18)比較,彼此間無明顯差異。


脊髓損傷 生活品質


The major purposes of this study were: (1) to assess the importance and the satisfaction of the quality of life in spinal cord injured patients; (2) to compare the six categories in quality of life between quadriplegics and paraplegics. The survey was conducted from Dec 1992 to June 1993 by mailing questionaires and some with phone call. Totally was 420 effective respondents with 358 males and 62 females, and the respondent rate was 50.3%, About 89.8% subjects were injured more than one year, and the age was ranged from 14 to 71 years old (mean 37.4 years old). The questionaires of quality of life included: (1) physical mobility, (2) physical care, (3) environment-transportation, (4) psychosocial adjustment, (5) education, and (6) ecconomics. Totally was six categories with 56 items. Each item contained importance” and ”satisfaction” evaluation on five-point scale with score 5 being very important or very satisfied. The quality of life index (QLI) was calculated as the score of ”importance” multiply the score of ”satisfaction”. The results indicated: (1) the incidence rate of spinal cord injury was high in young males (20-39 years old), (2) the most important item was ”the insurance fee paid by government”, (3) the most dissatisfied item was ”climb up and down stairs independently”, (4) the QLI of physical mobility, physical care, environment-transportation, education and ecconomics in quadriplegics was significantly lower than that in incomplete and/or complete paraplegics, (5) the QLI of psychosocial adjustment in complete and incomplete quadriplegics (QLI=0.06 and 0.08, respectively) was not significantly different from that in complete and incomplete paraplegics (QLI=0.16 and 0.18, respectively).


Spinal cord injury Quality of life


