  • 期刊


History and Prospect of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy


亞洲物理治療聯盟(Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy, ACPT)自民國69年在台北市召開籌備會議以來至今已有17年的歷史。根據聯盟章程的規定,於每3年召開一次大會至今已如期舉辦過了6次大會。第7屆亞洲物理治療聯盟會員大會則將於民國87年由菲律賓主辦。近年來,亞洲地區在經濟上、政治上皆産生了急遽的變化;且在世界舞台上扮演舉足輕重的角色。而我國將積極籌劃亞太營運中心,九七後香港歸屬大陸等,都是備受世界矚目的焦點。日本預定於民國88年於橫濱市主辦第13屆世界物理治療聯盟(World Confederation for Physical Therapy, WCPT)會員大會,此次會員大會爲第一次在亞洲地區舉行。作者有幸參與亞洲物理治療聯盟的誕生,並親睹其成長茁壯之歷程。因此願藉本文就其成立經過、各國物理治療所面臨的問題。歷豈會員大會之成果以及與世界物理治療聯盟之關係等各個層面,作一歷史性的回顧,同時展望未來發展的趨勢。盼望提供物理治療學界同仁,在於參與國際事務時的參考。


The Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy (ACPT) has been established since April 27, 1980 in Taipei. The main purpose of this organization is to promote the professional growth of the physical therapy in Asia. The original members are Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Korea, Philippines, Thailand and the Republic of China. The first General Assembly was held in Bangkok, Thailand in 1981. Since then, six General Assemblies were held in different member countries every three years according to the constitution. In 1998, the Philippines will hold the 7th General Assembly of ACPT. The idea of ACPT was proposed firstly during the 6th Pan Pacific Rehabilitation International meeting in Korea when physical therapists from Korea and Japan urged Dr. I-Nan Lien, so called ”father of rehabilitation medicine of the Republic of China”, to initiate such an organization in 1979. This assignment was loaded on Mr. Wen-Shen Liao when he got his master of health science degree from Japan. With the help of many people who concerned the development of physical therapy in the Republic of China, the organizing meeting was held smoothly in Taipei the next year. This article reviewed the history of ACPT, including the locations, times, themes, achievements of each General Assembly, the relationships among ACPT, the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT), the Asian-Western Pacific Regional Sub-Group of WCPT (AWP-WCPT) and the presidents of ACPT. In retrospect, the problems encountered the physical therapists in the Republic of China were reviewed. These problems including low income, manpower shortage, lack of Physical Therapy Law, shortage of physical therapy educational programs, and lack of local made modalities for physical therapy. After 17 years, most of these problems were being improved. The Physical Therapy Law of the Republic of China was passed by the Legislative Yan on 17th January, 1995. More than 700 physical therapists were licensed currently. Seven schools offered 4-year bachelor degree based physical therapy programs and National Taiwan University will launch the first master of science degree of physical therapy this summer (1997). The prospect of physical therapy in the Republic of China and other ACPT member countries are prosperous. The authors appeal the physical therapists in this country to support the international activities of ACPT, AWP-WCPT and WCPT. Japan will hold the 13th General Assembly of WCPT at Yokohama in 1999. This is the first time which General Assembly of WCPT being held in Asian region. We sincerely hope to show our hospitality by bring the General Assembly WCPT to the Republic of China in the near future.
