  • 期刊

Association between Gastroesophageal Flap Valve and Erosive Esophagitis



研究動機:胃食道皮瓣可區分爲四級。而這種分類系統,可以預測胃食道逆流疾病的發生率。我們利用這種分類系統,去探查胃食道皮瓣分類系統與糜爛性食道炎之相關性。 材料方法:我們共蒐集了398位於三個月內接受自費健檢及上消化道內視鏡檢查之受檢報告。我們將檢查結果中胃食道皮瓣分級爲I及Ⅱ者視爲正常皮瓣,而分級爲Ⅲ及Ⅳ者則視爲不正常皮瓣。我們進一步去比較並分析胃食道皮瓣分級系統與糜爛性食道炎之間的關係。 結果:總共有37例受檢者被診斷爲具有不正常胃食道皮瓣(37/398, 9.3%),其中8位(8/37, 48.6%)合併有糜爛性食道炎。另外36位受檢者被診斷爲具有正常胃食道皮瓣(36/398, 90.7%),而其中僅有53位(53/36, 7.8%)合併有糜爛性食道炎。由此結果可看出具有不正常胃食道皮瓣者得到糜爛性食道炎的機會比較高(Odds Ratio=7.5, 95% CI=3.53-5.98)。此外研究結果也顯示男性得到糜爛性食道炎的比例較女性高(Odds Ratio=3.74, 95% CI=.90-7.38)。不分性別,糜爛性食道炎的總發生率爲7.8%。年齡及體脂肪率的增加在這項研究中並不會增加得到食道炎的機會(P=0.5 and 0.2)。 結論:男性及具有不正常胃食道皮瓣者有更高的機會得到糜爛性食道炎。年齡及身體質量指數的增加並不會明顯增加得到食道炎的機會。


Objectives: Gastroesophageal flap valve (GEFV) can be divided into a four-grade system and this system can well predict the prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). We tried to use this GEFV grading system to examine the correlation of GEFV to erosive esophagitis. Methods: We enrolled 398 individuals that underwent one-day self-paid health examination, including esoph agogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) in 3-month period. GEFV grade I and Ⅱ were considered normal, whereas grade Ⅲ and Ⅳ were abnormal. We compared and analyzed the correlation of sex, body mass index (BMI) and GEFV grading with erosive esophagitis. Results: There were 37 subjects being diagnosed as abnormal gastroesophageal flap valve (37/398, 9.3%). 18 of them (18/37, 48.6%) had erosive esophagitis also. The remaining 361 subjects were diagnosed as normal flap valve (361/398, 90.7%) and 53 subjects were diagnosed as erosive esophagitis (53/361, 14.7%). Abnormal gastroesophageal flap valve subjects had higher chance to had erosive esophagitis (Odds Ratio=7.51, 95% CI=3.53-15.98). Males had higher prevalence of erosive esophagitis (Odds Ratio=3.74, 95% CI=1.90-7.38) and the prevalence of erosive esophagitis was 17.8%. Age and BMI did not increase the risk of esophagitis remarkably in the initial analyses (P=0.15 and 0.2) Conclusion: Male gender and subject, who have abnormal gastroesophageal flap valve, are prone to develop erosive esophagitis. Age and BMI do not increase the risk of esophagitis remarkably.


