  • 期刊


Comprehension and Evaluation: Dai Zhen's Reconstruction of Confucian Concepts




戴震 孟子 朱熹 王陽明 老子 莊子 禪學


This paper is intended to discuss how Dai Zhen criticizes the theory system of Song-Ming Confucianism by redefining the concept of Li (nous) and then to explain what significance Dai Zhen appeals to for reconstructing the philosophical theory as a solution for the initial purpose of removing current maladies. This paper shows that Dai Zhen sums up the modes of defining the concept of value with the practical and effective theoretical process, and therefore the concepts such as Tian-Dao (the way of heaven), Li (nous), Xing (nature), Ming (life), Qing (feeling), Cai (talent), Yu (desire), Qi (dynamics), etc. are all under the control of humane practice, achieving the state of Li (nous) so as to perfect good nature. Dai Zhen hence maintains the monism for the concept of Li (nous) and the theory of Qi (dynamics) as a means to criticize the dualism for human nature divided the nature of Tian-Ming (heavenly destiny) from that of Qi-Zhi (disposition) as well as the dualism for Li (nous) and Yu (desire) divided Tian-Li (natural principles) from Ren-Yu (human desire), which are approved by Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi who emphasize Tian-Li (natural principles) rather than Ren-Xing (human nature). The author of the paper however holds that what Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi concentrate on is the abstract definition of the concept of Li (nous) as the universal principle so there is no defect in emphasizing Tian-Li (natural principles) rather than Ren-Xing (human nature). Dai Zhen considers that Chen Yi, Zhu Xi, Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Yang-Ming's theories of Li (nous) were transformed from ”Zeng-Zai”(真宰) and ”Zeng-Kong” (真空) found in Daoism and Buddhism so as to completely satisfy with Li (nous) and ignore cultivation of the mind in practice. As a matter of fact, Dai Zhen's critique stems from taking apart the problem between ontology and ontological cultivation of the mind in practice. This paper would focus on the analysis of the development of Dai Zhen's critical thinking and a thorough investigation for defending Chen-Zhu-Lu-Wang's Confucianism.


Dai Zhen Mengzi Zhu Xi Li nous Xing nature Dao way Qi dynamics Wang Yang-Ming Laozi Zhuangzi Zenism


