  • 期刊

Intercultural Methodology in Researching Chinese Philosophy





In Western research on Chinese philosophy, the non -reflected use of a theoretical analysis, which is a result of specific (Western) historical processes and the related, typical organizational structure of societies, may prove to be a dangerous and misleading mechanism. Concepts and categories can namely not simply be transferred from one socio-cultural context into another. Thus, in current intercultural discourses , the debate on the philosophical dimensions of Chinese texts and their role in the context of Chinese tho ught has been developed increasingly successfully under the aegis of rediscovering and applying specific traditional Chinese methodological approaches, concepts and categories. Based on the awareness of the importance ofsuch revival ofclassical Chinese philosophical methodologies, the present paper aims to clarify the difference between external (外在超越性) and internal (or immanent) transcendence (內在超越性) and the difference between Cartesian dualistic models and binary categories (对立范畴). On this basis, the author provides a short evaluation of the application of analytical vs. hermeneutic methods in investigating classical Chinese texts and proposes an innovative mode of hermeneutics, which is based on the fusion of jingjies (境界融合), aiming to replace the controversial Western hermeneutical method, rooted in the concept of the fusion of horizons.


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