  • 期刊


Hermeneutical Perspective and Christian Humanity


本文以西洋哲學之詮釋學為主要方法。探討在基督性的研究上是否可以運用相關的理論處理有關基督之人文性,並進而探討以生命之形成與轉化為死亡之形構,可以透現出的意義。本文希望透過詮釋學之由解釋、理解與詮釋的藝術之基礎形態研究,將基督性研究,以詮釋循環(christianally interpretive circle)作為研究跨科方法的意義與可能。並期望進一步將此方法導引至如何依據詮釋學方法的研究,探究詮釋學的詮釋學觀點下之基督人性論;迂迴的路線的另一迴路即是:以人類之詮釋的觀點,建立基督性了解與探討的嘗試。


詮釋學 基督性 人性 循環 生命


This paper uses hermeneutics in Western philosophy as a method for researching Christianity and providing in the applicability of relevant theories for the study of Christian humanity. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the meaning of the life and death cycle by studying the form of life and its transformation to death. With the aid of hermeneutics, this paper attempts to explain, understand and interpret fundamental interpretive circles; examining the possibility of an interdisciplinary methodology. This investigative approach shall be conducted in the light of hermeneutic methods and develops the method of a Christinity interpretive circle. Through the route of detour. We will also be able to understand Christianity from the perspective of the hermeneutics of humanity.


Hermeneutics Christianity Humanity Circle Life


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Heidegger, Martin,Macquarrie, John(trans.),Robinson, Edward(trans.)(1962).Being and Time.New York:Harper & Row.
Mueller-Vollmer, Kurt(ed.)(1986).The Hermeneutics Reader.Oxford:Basil Blackwell Ltd..
Reynolds, Thomas(2005).Reconsidering Schleiermacher and the Problem of Religious Diversity: Toward a Dialectical Pluralism.Journal of the American Academy of Religion.73(1),168.
