  • 期刊


On Gender Diversities in Philosophy and Philosophical Intuitions




Gender Diversities in philosophy is a common phenomenon. Experimental philosophy has showed that the philosophical intuitions, which include the reference intuitions about twin-earth case, the intuitions of attributed knowledge about Gettier cases and the intuitions about Knobe effect, have gender diversities. Compared with men, women philosophical intuitions deviate from mainstream philosopher intuitions. We think, (1) the gender differences in ways of thinking are the important reason of the gender diversities in philosophical intuitions; (2) the gender diversities in philosophical intuitions are the important reason of the gender diversities in philosophy; (3) the gender diversities in philosophical intuitions provide an academic demand for gender differences in philosophical education and the establishment of female philosophy.


Beebe, James,Buckwalter, Wesley(2010).The Epistemic Side-Effect Effect.Mind & Language.25
Haslanger, Sally(2008).Changing the Ideology and Culture of Philosophy: Not by Reason (Alone).Hypatia.23
Knobe, Joshua(2003).Intentional action and side effects in ordinary language.Analysis.63
Knobe, Joshua(ed.),Nichols, Shaun(ed.)(2013).Experimental Philosophy.New York:Oxford University Press.
Lewis, Brooke(2009).Where are all the women?.The Philosophers' Magazine.47
