  • 期刊


St. Thomas Aquinas on Akrasia/Incontinentia in the Philosophy of the Will




Greek term akrasia signifies "weakness" which has been elaborated by some ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. Especially, in Aristotle's ethical account in Nicomachean Ethics, akrasia presents as one of the key topics in his ethical agenda. It implies the "weakness" in human action within ethical context, namely the deviation of actual performance from the dictation of moral knowledge or conviction. Thus akrasia is usually translated as "the weakness of will". With Latin term "incontinentia", St. Thomas Aquinas indicates the same meaning to advance Aristotelian theory of akrasia by focusing on the human will. As a result, he illustrates the weakness of will by the ethical phenomenon "incontinence" and brings its profundity in his own philosophy of the will.


Aquinas, Thomas, St. Summa Theologicae (Latin Edition). Paris: L. Vivès, 1856.
Aquinas, Thomas, St.. Summa Theologiae. Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province. Cincinnati: Benziger Bros., 1947.
Aquinas, Thomas, St.,Kenny, Joseph(ed.)(1955).Summa Contra Gentiles.New York:Hanover House.
Aquinas, Thomas, St.,Litzinger, C. I.(trans.)(1993).Commentary on Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics.Notre Dame:Dumb Ox Books.
