  • 期刊


On The Female Rights in Shan Shili's Guimao Voyage



十九世紀末到二十世紀初,世界局勢產生強烈變化,中國無法再以封建思維度量女性,而且知識婦女們也不甘再屈附於男性生存。 單士釐便是在這樣一個新舊時代交替下,有遠見的新女性代表之一;且是晚清第一位由閨房步向世界的女性。作品達十一種之多,極為豐贍。 其中,《癸卯旅行記》是單士釐陪同外交官夫婿錢恂旅日、俄而撰寫的旅行日記。她用理性且客觀的文字,記錄旅途中的見聞,有助於我們了解東瀛和沙俄;更以行萬里路的廣闊視野喚醒蒙昧的群眾,尤其是被桎梏在傳統價值觀的廣大女性同胞。 本文試圖從廢纏足、興女學、強調兩性平等受教權、啟發女智等面向,探討《癸卯旅行記》的女權論述;以及她迥異於清末激進派的女權運動倡導者的改革方式。說明單士釐雖未曾積極參與女權運動,但仍運用平和的手法來振興女權。企盼能突顯出單士釐主張解放晚清女性身心、提升女性社會地位、啟蒙女性自覺的看法,以及對後代女性的影響,進而明白她作為清末女性啟蒙先驅的獨特價值。


癸卯旅行記 單士釐 女性啟蒙 女學 女權


The global situation and trend have changed at the beginning of the 20th century. The Chinese could no longer measure and perceive women through the feudal system. Moreover, knowledgeable women were not willing to be submitted to the men. Shan Shili was a representative of the new era female visionary, and she was also the first woman stepping out of boudoir into the world in the end of the Qing Dynasty. She was very resourceful and had produced more than eleven kinds of literary works. One of her literatures, Guimao Voyage, is her travelling journal describing her and her diplomat husband voyage to Japan and Russia. Her recorded observation in the journey has helped people to have a better understanding of those places. Having broad perspective after such a long journey, she has awakened many Chinese women who were fettered by the traditional values and obscurantism. This study aimed to scrutinize the female rights discussed in the Guimao Voyage from the perspectives of the abolishment of foot-binding, the promotion of female education, the emphasis of equal rights for education, and the inspiration of female intelligence. We also examine her different ways of reformation as a women right advocate. Furthermore, we investigated how she revitalized the female rights peacefully without participating in the woman movements. Finally, we will highlight her advocating of the liberation of the body and mind of women, the elevating of the social status of women, the enlightening of women's conscious perception, and the future influences on the women.
