  • 期刊


Development of Journalist Education Goals: Inspirations of Visiting University of Tokyo


參訪東京大學情報學環與學際情報學府,是為充實本學院頂尖大學研究案而找尋他山之石的一段行程。 東大情報學環與學際情報學府2000 年的新學年成立。學環是研究組織,學府是教學組織,但兩者須合璧理解。「學環」與「學際」的概念與嘗試是參訪團看上眼的特色。 「學環」意指將文、理、工、藝術、教養五大領域所關心的生命、人、系統、表現、社會環扣在一起,而以「資訊」為中心,也即「資訊」是貫穿各領域的共用語言。此乃超越其前身社會情報研究所八年既有格局的更高層次整合,已落實了全大學規模的跨學科合作。研究如此,教學也如此。 重視能實踐的知識是東大情報學環與學際情報學府另一明顯的特色。促成此特色的,是靈活的人事制度和開闊的招生對象,使業界資深歷練者可進校園當教授,主持研究案;產業中人也可進校園當學生、進教授研究室參與研究案。 東大創校已130年,更張推出情報學環與學際情報學府,於參訪者的啟示,是勇於變革、視野開闊、重視能實踐的知識,也從現實人生中發掘研究動機和汲引創意。


The Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies (iii) of the University of Tokyo was founded on April 1(superscript st) 2000. Alongside the iii, there is a parallel organization called the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (GSⅡ); however the former one is primarily a research organization. The purpose of the latter one is to provide graduate students with a broad training in information studies while still allowing them to pursue advanced research on specific topics. This structure was devised in order to overcome the limitations of existing graduate schools, where knowledge is divided into exclusive areas of specialization which tend to become highly formalized. The iii is a university-wide organization bringing together information-related research and education from many different disciplinary perspectives. Furthermore, it seeks to add new depth and dynamism to the University as a whole.


Media History Monographs
Stephens, F. F.(1962).The history of the University of Missouri.Columbia:University of Missouri Press.
Viles, J.(1939).The University of Missouri: A centennial history, 1839-1939.Columbia:E.W. Stephens Co..
Weaver, D.,R. Froehlich (Eds.),C. Holtz-Bacha (Eds.)(1998).Journalism education in Europe and north America: An international comparison.New Jersey:Hampton Press of Cresskill.
Williams, S. L.(1998).Twenty years of education for journalism.Columbia:E.W. Stephens Publishing Co..


