

Adventitious shoots of Lobelia erinus (Campanulaceae) were directly regenerated from the root tissues cultured in hormone-free Murashige-Skoog (MS) medium under lighted conditions. The regenerants proliferated well both in vitro (in hormone-free MS solid medium) and in vivo (in soil in a pot). The final survival frequency of the transplanted regenerants in soil was 90 %. There were no morphological differences between the regenerants and the parental plants. The polyacetylene (lobetyol, lobetyolin and lobetyolinin) content of the regenerants in vitro was identical to that obtained from shoot cultures regenerated from the callus cultures. The polyacetylene content of the regenerants cultivated in a pot was also identical with the field-grown parental plants. Direct shoot regeneration from L. erinus root tissues provides a good culture system for the micropropagation of this important medicinal herb.
