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A Congenital Ovarian Cyst - A Case Report



一個23歲的婦女,第一胎生下一個2180公克的女性足月嬰兒。在懷孕28週時,藉由產前檢查,在胎兒的右下腹部發現一個巨大的腹部腫瘤。出生後腹部X光發現在右上以及右下腹部 有巨大的東西佔據了整個右腹部。再經過超音波確認,有一個8.3公分×3.5公分的腫瘤位在右腹部,但其源自那個器官卻無法確認。腹部的電腦斷層掃描發現一個邊界明顯並且有分隔的囊腫。位置是在:從肝臟的下緣、到右骨盆腔。在第五天大的時候,由於嬰兒活力變差以及食慾變差,而且腹部X光發在腸阻塞的現象,因此予以施行剖腹探查術。外科手術結果:發現一個8公分 × 5公分 × 5公分的右側卵巢囊腫。由於開刀過程中,無法區分出正常的卵組織,只得作右側卵巢切除術,其病理報告是 “濾泡囊腫”。


新生兒 卵巢囊腫


A 2810 G female term neonate, born to a 23-year-old, gravida 1 para 1 mother, was found to have a large abdominal cyst in the right side of her abdomen by routine prenatal ultrasonography at the gestational age of 28 weeks. Plain abdomen showed a large mass shadow in the upper right and lower portions of her abdomen. Ultrasonography of the abdomen revealed a 8.3 cm x 3.5 cm cyst of unknown origin in the right abdomen. Abdominal CT scan showed a large well-defined cyst with septum formation in the right pelvis. Which extended up to the inferior border of the liver. On the 5th day after birth, an exploratory laporatomy was performed because the neonate had poor appetite and poor activity, and the abdominal film revealed an ileus pattern. Surgical intervention disclosed a 8 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm cyst in her right ovary. Hence, a right oophorectomy was done, and follicular cyst was reported by pathological examination.


neonate ovarian cyst
