  • 期刊


A Study on the Elevation Type of Yang-Lou in Kin-Men-The Case Study of the Veranda Colonnade-


金門的洋樓住宅是傳統閩南式住宅朝向多元化發展的開端,特別是「外廊」空間的設立,不僅是西化的象徵,更是建築形式,風格樣式,裝飾語彙等最重要的表現場域。在外廊立面中,立柱與橫樑所組構而成的「柱式」,除了是立面結構的一部份,對於形式、意象和建築裝飾風格之形塑,亦具有決定性之影響,因此本研究企圖透過洋樓外廊柱式之分析,理解其組構的規則,掌握形式之特徵與其裝飾之手法。具體的研究成果包括: 1.金門洋樓柱位的配置,主要以三分割為基礎,柱間決定了空間的配比;在中央柱與邊柱之間穿插不具結構性的「輔支柱」,形成柱間韻律的差異。「輔支柱」的應用,使得柱子由荷重角色轉向裝飾和形塑立面意象的機能。 2.柱子的材料多以磚材為主,因此整體上角柱的形式多於圓柱;柱身的裝飾豐富而多采,有別於西洋古典的柱子。 3.約有近八成的洋樓使用單一形式的平樑或弧拱;而在立柱與橫樑的組構方式上,有「額枋式」,「骨架式」及「併用式」等三種主要的類型。整體而言,以「額枋式」的組構為主。


金門 洋樓住宅 外廊立面 柱式


Yang-Lon house in Kin-Men is a starting point of the diversification of traditional houses in southern Fujian. Its Veranda colonnade is not only a symbol of westernization, but also a significant stylistic form and a decorative vocabulary as well. The order of Veranda, which is composed of columns and beams, is not only a part of facade structure, but also a decisive factor of the form, image, and style of architectural decoration. Through an analysis of the Veranda colonnade of the Yang-Lon houses, this research attempts to investigate its compositional rules and to realize its formal characters and decoration. Main conclusions are as follows: 1. The colonnade on the facade of Yang-Lon houses in Kin-Men is basically built in three-partitioned motif. The distances between columns decide the outline of interior space. ”Auxiliary posts”, which are located between central columns and margin columns do not carry load, create rhythm of colonnade. The auxiliary post changes the role of columns from a structural element to a decorative element, which shapes images of facade. 2. Since columns are mostly built in bricks, most columns are rectangle than circular. The decoration of columns is plentiful and remarkable. They are quite different from western classic columns. 3. About 80% of Yang-Lon houses adopt a unique type of beam or arches. ”Beam on top”, ”beam at side”, and ”mix-up” are three major types of the compositions of column and beam. Generally speaking, ”beam on top” is the most common types of column-beam composition.


Kinmen Yang-Lon House Veranda Façade Colonnade


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