  • 期刊


The Construction of Trading-Area Choice Models in the Metropolis of Tainan


都市居民持續移往郊外地區居住的趨勢,不僅會使郊外商圈逐漸擴大,最終也可能會造成市中心商圈的衰退。因此為了解都會區商圈的競爭現況與未來的可能消長情形,有必要對消費者的區位分佈及其商圈選擇行為進行探討。本研究首先利用因素分析來歸納市中心商圈與郊外商圈的「消費印象屬性」構面,再以羅吉特模式(Logit model)來建構台南地區消費者之商圈選擇模式。結果顯示,消費者在進行市中心商圈與郊外商圈選擇時並不存在前後階段的關係,而應是屬於同時選擇的情況。而距離變數之係數為負且顯著,說明了區域型商圈若欲取得競爭優勢時,仍應儘量設址於人口較密集的區域範圍內,方能吸引相對多數的消費者。另外,停車費用也是商圈競爭時的負面影響要因,特別是市中心商圈範圍內所包含諸商圈的停車費用之係數更為顯著。


The trend for urban residents to move to the suburbs continues, causing growth in suburban trading areas, while the downtown trading areas may decline. Thus, the issue of how consumers decide on their shopping destination should be discussed to clarify the status quo and future competition between metropolitan trading areas. This study, firstly, group consumers' impression variable with the help of factor analysis. Secondly, the Nest Logit Model and the Multinomial Logit Model were used to model the behavior of consumers in Tainan. This study shows the choice between metropolitan trading areas are indicated to multi-nominal choice but not nested choice. Furthermore, coefficients of distance variable are negative and significant. It means that locations at dense areas are one of key reasons for promoting consumer purchases. Additionally, parking fee has negative impact on choice of trading areas.


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