  • 期刊


Validation of the Reduction Indoor Formaldehyde Concentrations for Sorptive Test System by Green Building Material in Taiwan


本研究因應近年推出吸附性建材最新標準規範如 ISO、JIS 等,透過國際標準規範 ISO 16000-23為基礎,藉由國家性能實驗中心小尺寸環控箱設備系統,開發建立國內吸附性建材檢測系統(SBMTS),並依擬定標準作業程序進行檢測系統之驗證並進行三組建材吸附性能項目測試,提供作為國內 CNS 標準 ISO 化修訂之依據。結果顯示,本研究建置檢測系統經連續多次甲醛濃度採樣之驗證,符合濃度回收率 80%以上,並透過儀器監控顯示系統符合穩定性且足以提供國內建材吸附性能相關檢測及性能驗證;各組建材藉由性能評定計算結果,可明確檢視單位時間內降低甲醛濃度吸附性之影響,依此提供予國內為參考依據。


This study response the international community has been launched sorptive building materials, such as standards ISO, JIS, etc in recent years, and based on ISO 16000-23 through the small-scale chamber equipment system, National Performance Laboratory Center, to develop and establish domestic ”Sorptive Building Material Test System, SBMTS”, in accordance with SOP to validation of the test system and provided for sorptive test by three building materials, as domestic CNS of the revised to on ISO standard. The results was verified SBMTS to conform concentrations of HCHO recovery more than 80% by repeatedly sampling, and the system was meet the stability through the instrument monitoring display, which could to provide the relevant performance validation and testing for SBM. This study according results with sorption test of the building materials could survey reducing formaldehyde concentration as the equivalent time that may provide to reference of the national standards.

