  • 期刊


Case Study of Buildings Damaged by Typhoon




Taiwan is a tropical island located in the west Pacific Rim, a typhoon-prevalent area. Usually, about four to five typhoons invade and land in Taiwan every year and cause severe damage, such as destruction of houses and bridges, road damage, landslides and interruption of power to communication systems, which shows that typhoons are one of Taiwan's major natural hazards. The collapse or destruction of building structures during typhoons sometimes occurs when the recorded maximum wind speed is below the design wind-speed value. The purpose of this paper is to find out the causes of building collapse or damage. Until now, we have been unable to determine whether the reason for damage is negligence in design specifications or construction management deficiency. To find out the actual reason for typhoon damage to structures, we go through the assessment and establishment of a typhoon investigation process with a typhoon questionnaire to collect more information about buildings damaged by typhoons, and can thus assess whether the actual reason for building damage is negligence in design specifications or construction deficiency.


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