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Western Pacific Moisture Analysis as Observed from DMSP SSM/I Measurements

由DMSP SSM/I資料探討西太平洋水汽含量之分佈


本研究主要利用DMSP氣象衛星SSM/I資料探討全球水汽含量的分佈。並以1987年9月份颱風爲對象,研究颱風強度與衛星資料亮度溫度間之關係。颱風降水量的估算則應用Olson等人於1990年發表之模式。 由研究結果發現,SSM/I資料可提供全球的水汽含量、液態水含量及降水量等合理的分佈型態及大小。其估算値並與以往之研究結論和其它模式分析之結果作比較。研究中亦說明了分析西太平洋的三個颱風(Greald, Freda和Holly)在SSM/I觀測資料上的特性。由SSM/I資料亦可辨別颱風的細微結構,而其降水量的估算則有非常合理之結果。 研究的結果顯示,可以利用SSM/I資料來研究發展適合臺灣及鄰近地區使用的大氣參數計算模式。模式之建立則可配合雷達觀測、高空及地面觀測資料,以增加模式之實用性。而若無地面實測資料以供模式結果之驗證,則可與其它不同模式之結果相互比較,以分析研究模式之合理性與適用性。




DMSP SSM/I data are used in this study to investigate the global dis-tribution of moisture, and to study the variations of brightness temperatures with the changes of the intensity of typhoons during September 1987. Therain rate of typhoons is also determined based on Olsón et al.'s (1990) algorithm. It is noted that the SSM/I data could provide realistic patterns and magnitudes of total precipitable water, cloud water content, and rain rate for the globe. They are comparable to the previous findings and other model analysis. The characteristics of SSM/I data are documented in this study for the three typhoons (Gerald, Freda, and Holly) over the western Pacific Ocean. The detailed structure of the typhoon can be identified by the SSM/I data, and the estimated rainfall of the typhoon appears to be reasonable. The development of the algorithms to derive atmospheric variables for Taiwan and its vicinity is suggested, and the validation of the algorithms has to be executed based on radar data, and upper and surface observations. The intercomparions of various algorithms also can be performed, if ground truth data are not available.


