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The Risk Factors for Stroke Inpatients Need Emergency Medical Services in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Ward


目的:在桃園長庚醫院中醫病房的住院病患中,一直是以腦中風患者為主。偶爾,他們會需要緊急醫療的服務,但是其中相關的風險因素是什麼仍是未知。本實驗主要之目的即是探討中醫住院病房中,腦中風病人需求緊急醫療照護之危險因子。方法:回溯住院病人病歷,共50例腦中風入住中醫病房患者,比較病人基本資料、過去病史、疾病診斷,以及出院狀況。結果:中醫病房中腦中風病人診斷為出血性中風的比例(62%)比西醫復健病房高。病人年齡以及入院時的Barthel index對於出院狀況的影響有顯著統計意義。結論:年齡和Barthel index可作為評估預測中醫病房之腦中風病人,需要緊急醫療照護的指標項目。


Objective: Stroke patients have been the major inpatients in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) ward of Taoyuan Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. Occasionally they required emergency medical services, but what are the risk factors are still unknown. The specific aim of this study is to investigate the risk factors for stroke inpatients need emergency medical service in the TCM ward. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted. We reviewed medical charts of 50 stroke patients who were admitted in our TCM ward. We collected and compared their demographic and stroke characteristics, preexisting medical conditions, and discharging condition especially those requires a transfer to an acute medical service. Results: There was a higher ratio of hemorrhagic stroke cases in the TCM ward (62%) than Western medicine rehabilitation ward. The ratio of a transfer was significantly associated with the initial age and Barthel index during inpatient treatment of stroke in the TCM ward. Conclusion: Age and Barthel index at admission were considered to be the risk factors predicting a transfer to acute medical service during inpatient treatment of stroke in the TCM ward.


Stroke transfer traditional Chinese medicine
