  • 期刊


Multi-Attribute Utility Project Evaluation Models with Attribute Thresholds




This research established multi-attribute utility models with stated preference data to evaluate transportation projects. We discussed the attribute thresholds of acceptance and indifference. The results showed that the multi-attribute utility function of linear logit model had relatively good explanatory ability and most attributes were significant. This means that multi-attribute utility model established with stated preference data can indeed find the tradeoff between attributes, Assuming that an individual should behave consistently and different individuals may behave heterogeneously, we found that the threshold models could greatly increase explanatory power Due to the fact that most attributes had threshold of acceptance and/or inc4fference, the tradeoff between attributes were greatly affected. Of the two threshold models, the threshold of indifference model had better explanatory power. The integrated model with both thresholds had best explanatory power. Its coefficients of all attributes were significant and had the correct signs. The tradeoffs between attributes were reasonable.


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