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Effect of Irrigation at Different Growth Stages on Quality and Yield of Wentan Pomelo


為探討於不同生育時期(春芽萌發期、開花期、果實肥大期和生育全期)之灌溉,對文旦果實品質及產量之影響,於八十五至八十七年度在花蓮地區文旦主要產地之壽豐鄉果園進行試驗。於每株距樹基45公分及90公分之16 mm PVC管各開一小孔進行滴灌,以水閥控制水量,當土壤水分張力達0.6 bar時,即行灌溉處理,每次以60 ml/min流量,間歇性方式灌水8 h/2 days。結果顯示,以開花期進行滴灌之處理效果最佳,其果實平均糖度為11.4 °Brix,平均酸度為0.46%,每株平均果汁量為149 ml,每株平均產量為53.7 kg,而以完全不灌溉之處理表現最差。由本試驗果實品質與產量綜合而論,在文旦開花期進行滴灌處理,為提昇文旦果實品質及增加單位產量的較佳土壤水分管理對策。


生育時期 灌溉 文旦 果實品質 果實產量


In order to understand the effects of irrigation at different growth stages on the quality and yield of Wentan pomelo. The experiment was conducted from 1996 to 1998 at Shoufeng that is one of the most important Wentan pomelo production areas in Hualien. The drip irrigation treatments were during different growth stage, including (1) no irrigation, (2) during spring sprout flushing, (3) during flowering, (4) during fruit development and maturing, (5) irrigation all the year. The drip irrigation system control water supply through valves of 2 holes on 16 mm PVC pipes, at different distances of 45 and 90 cm from tree trunk. When soil moisture tension reaches 0.6 bar, irrigation starts automatically and intermittently for 8 hrs for 2 days, with a flux of 60 ml/min. Results indicated that irrigation during flowering gained the highest yield (53.7 kg/plant), the best fruit quality of juice content (149 ml/fruit), total soluble solids (11.4 °Brix) and titrable acidity (0.46%). While no irrigation treatment resulted in low yield, poor fruit quality, total soluble solids and titrable acidity.


