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Development of Led Light Environment Control System for Plant Cultivation


發光二極體(Light-Emitting Diode, LED)已被廣泛運用於各領域中,而被用於植物栽培之人工光源,主要因為LED具有高的光電轉換率、低的熱度及特定之發光波長等優點。本研究使用植物生長最重要的紅光與藍光波長之LED燈,開發一套應用於植物栽培的光環境控制系統,整體系統之構成包含電腦與訊號擷取卡、訊號接收與資料儲存電路、光源控制電路、光源驅動電路、LED光源模組等硬體系統,及操作參數設定程式、自動控制程式等兩種軟體;系統可設定多樣性之光環境,並於設定之條件下自動操作。系統完成後進行測試,確定研發的系統能以預期之功能運作,以四種不同光質之環境栽培星辰花組培苗,並分析其性狀,其結果顯示組培苗葉片之長度、寬度、長寬比及SPAD(葉綠素計值)等四項性狀指標都會受栽培光質的影響,而且有明顯隨紅光成份增加而變化之趨勢。


Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are widely applied in various fields. They are used in plant cultivation as an artificial light source because of many advantages such as higher electro-optical efficiency, lower heat generation and specific wavelength. In this study, red and blue LEDs were used to develop a light environment control system (LECS). LECS consists of five hardware subsystems including computer & DAQ card, signal receiver & memory, light source controller, light source driver, LED light module, and two sets of sof tware including hardware's setting program, auto-control program. Light quality environments could be set and the system could be operated at the pre-set conditions automatically. Tests had been conducted and the expected performance had been achieved after the system had been developed. Four sets of light quality environments were designed to cultivate Limonium tissuecultured seedlings. Four parameters including length, width, length/width ratio of the leaves, and the value of SPAD for Limonium seedlings were investigated that they were affected by the light quality during the cultivation of 24 days.
