  • 期刊


Derrida, Lu-Xun, Benjamin: The Molecular Translation and the Construction of Chinese Linguistic Modernity



本文皆在探討中國「語文現代性」的建構,尤其是相關翻譯實踐的「分子化」運動,亦即一種跨越既定中西文化疆界的創造與轉化。首先,我將借用後殖民理論家絲碧珀克的「知識域暴力」概念,釐清中文改革論述中的「語音中心主義」一一充份表現在中文改革百年來對於「拼音系統」和「精確文法」的追求。從後殖民的脈絡去省視法國哲學家德希達對西方形上學的解構,將發現,後殖民版本的「語音中心主義」和西方的「邏各斯語音中心主義」之間並非一種純粹的借用,更涉及了一種對西方「源頭」的重構與反思。本文第二部份將探討魯迅等人「直譯歐洲句法」以改造中國思考方式的翻譯方法論,及其與「中國心智改造」之間的論述關連。第三部份將討論德國哲學家班雅明的「直譯」觀:籍由直譯原著句法來擴展既定書寫的疆域,以達致「純粹語言」的境界。通過這樣的理論思考,我將指出,中國新文化運動者往往陷於一種語文再現論和文法決定論的誤謬, 執著於既定的中西整體二元論,低估了文化翻譯的越界創造空間,以及翻譯本身所涉及的分子化運動,儘管他們身為翻譯者早已在身體力行這樣的運動。


This paper investigates the construction of Chinese ”linguistic modernity” especially concerning the molecular process of cultural-linguistic translation, a trans-creation constantly across the boundaries between the supposedly wholistic Chinese and Western cultures. Firstly, employing Gayatri Spivak's notion of ”epistemic violence”, I point out that there is certain version of ”phonocentrism” working in the grand discourse of Chinese written language reform, as we can see in the century-long seeking for a Chinese ”alphabet” and ”precise grammar.” A rethinking of Jacques Derrida's deconstruction of western metaphysics in a postcolonial context shows, there is a complex relationship between Chinese postcolonial ”phonocentrism” and western ”logocentrism”, a relationship not of mere ”borrowing” but already a reconstitution of the western ” source.” The second part of this paper discusses Lu Xun and Fu Si-Nian's arguing for the ”literal translation of European syntax” as a method to improve the Chinese way of thinking in the early twentieth century. The third part of this paper discuss Walter Benjamin's notion of ”literal translation” as an expansion of given cultural-linguistic boundaries, and his ideal of ”pure language.” Through a theoretical reconsideration of a historically specific discourse of translation, this paper argues that Chinese New Culturalists were often caught in the fallacy of linguistic representationalism and grammatical determinism and therefore overlooked the trans-creative space of cultural translation, even though them themselves as translators already engaged in the molecular process of trans-creation.


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