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An Exploration of Charismatic Leadship and the Effects on the Followers


魅力領導在領導的研究中,現在遠比過去受到更多的注意,相關的研究也愈來愈多。傳統的領導模型有許多限制,例如,過於狹窄不足以說明領導的全部範圍、沒有未來願景與追隨者的目標、忽略以追隨者為中心的觀點、忽略領導的核心本質等。近代魅力領導的行為模型則提出不同的理論觀點,其中Conger & Kanungo學者所提出的魅力領導模型,強調了魅力領導有現況評估、組織目標的形成與表達、完成目標的方法等三個階段模式,以此三個階段模式廣泛的解釋魅力領導與如何對追隨者產生效能以及指出魅力領導的效能評估應從追隨者的效能來評估比較恰當。這些觀點對現代企業處於不斷變革的壓力下,如何增加領導效能,提供了許多重要的啟示。


Charismatic leadership is a critically important topic within the field of leadership studies, one deserving for greater attention than it has received in the past. There were many limitations in earlier leadership models, it have been considered to be too narrow and sterile, for example. There were not sufficient to explain the full range of leadership behaviors commonly associated with the best and the worst leaders. There seemed to have ignored a future vision or goal for the follower, the perspective on the followers, and certain core aspects of leader role activities or behaviors. More recently, a different perspective in the charismatic leadership studies, Conger & Kanungo’s charismatic leadership model. They describe the essential and distinguishable behavioral components of charismatic leadership and examining leadership as a process which can be conceptualized in a stage model with three specific stages: Evolution of Status Quo, Formulation and Articulation of Organizational Goals, Means to Achieve. These stages explained comprehensive of the proposed leadership theories on charismatic leadership, how to influence on follower’s outcomes and they argued that the effects on the followers are the more appropriate measures of leadership effectiveness. As such, they provide many important lessons for those enterprises who wish to increase leadership effectiveness in the dynamic change environment.


楊佩梅(2022)。高中雙語實驗班教師知覺校長轉型領導、 教師專業發展與教師幸福感關係之研究〔博士論文,國立政治大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6814/NCCU202201604
