

血管外皮細胞瘤是罕見血管瘤,好發於後腹腔及下肢,有15-25%會出現在頭頸部。本院於2006年5月經歷一名65歲男性,主訴有反覆右側流鼻血合併鼻塞持續7個月,經病理報告及免疫組織化學報告診斷爲鼻竇型血管外皮細胞瘤,手術後3個月回診追蹤並無復發現象。此疾病因臨床症狀及影像檢查並不能當作確切診斷,只有光學顯微鏡檢查及免疫組織化學檢查可做爲確定診斷,因此我們由文獻上整理了84個個案的免疫組織化學報告,建議在免疫組織化學檢查時最少應做SMA(smooth muscle actin)、vimentin、CD34、S-100 protein和factor Ⅷ。


Hemangiopericytoma is a rare vascular tumor that, has a predilection to occur in the retroperitoneal cavity and the lower limbs; only 15% to 25% of cases occurred in the head and neck. We report a case of a 65-year-old male who presented at our hospital in May 2006 with complaints of recurrent right-sided epistaxis and nasal obstruction that had lasted for 7 months. The patient underwent endoscopic removal of the tumor. Pathology reports and immunohistochemistry studies confirmed the diagnosis of sinonasal hemangiopericytoma. Follow-up visits and a CT scan at three months after the surgery showed no recurrence of the disease. As immunohistochemistry studies are often required to make a final pathology diagnosis, we also reviewed 84 cases involving immunohistochemical studies of hemangiopericytoma from the literature. Based on these, it is recommended that smooth muscle actin, vimentin, CD34, S-100 protein, and factor Ⅷ should be specifically stained for in order to obtain a final diagnosis.


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