  • 期刊


The Impact of Social Support on Depressive Status and Quality of Life in Patients with Olfactory Dysfunction


背景:嗅覺功能障礙影響生活品質甚鉅,而社會支持是個體面對壓力時一個緩衝因子。本研究將House的「工作壓力對健康的影響模式」延伸,以探討社會支持系統對嗅覺障礙病患生活品質與憂鬱狀態的影響。 方法:從2008年10月1日至31日於中部某醫學中心耳鼻喉科門診收集嗅覺功能障礙的病患,使用酚基乙基乙醇氣味閾值測試評估嗅覺功能,並以問卷了解患者憂鬱及社會支持狀況。 結果:共有61名嗅覺功能障礙病患參與本研究,男性28名,女性33名,平均年齡爲386±137歲,其中42名爲嗅覺功能完全喪失者。嗅覺功能障礙和日常生活受影響程度及憂鬱程度呈顯著相關。憂鬱程度與日常生活受影響程度也呈顯著相關。以邏輯式迴歸分析問卷相關變項對憂鬱狀況有無及整體生活品質好壞的影響,結果顯示家人支持和整體健康程度與憂鬱狀態有顯著關聯。鼻腔症狀、醫生支持及整體健康程度與整體生活品質好壞也有顯著關聯。 結論:本研究觀察到社會支持系統會影響嗅覺功能障礙病患的憂鬱狀況及生活品質。我們應重視嗅覺功能障礙病患的社會支持層面,讓臨床治療能與社會支持相輔相成來提升嗅覺功能障礙病患的生活品質。


BACKGROUND: Olfactory dysfunction has a great impact on quality of life. It is believed that the buffering effect of social support can help to manage stress. The purpose of this study was to understand the influence of social support on the quality of life and depression of patients with olfactory dysfunction. METHODS: From October 1st to 31st, 2008, patients with olfactory dysfunction were recruited from our outpatient department. All patients received a phenyl ethyl alcohol odor detection threshold test to assess their olfactory function and filled a questionnaire to evaluate their status of depression and social support. RESULTS: A total of 61 patients with olfactory dysfunction were enrolled. There were 28 males and 33 females, with a mean age of 38.6±13.7 years old. Forty-two were anosmic. The results of odor detection threshold test were significantly correlated with the severity of depression and impairment of daily activities (p<0.01 and <0.05, respectively). The severity of depression was also significantly correlated with the severity of impairment of daily activities (r=0.418, p<0.01). By analysis with Logistic regression, we found that the family support nod general health status were significant predictors of depression, and nasal symptoms, doctor support and general health status were significant predictors of quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: Our results found that social support influenced the status of depression and quality of life in patients with olfactory dysfunction. Therefore, social support should be emphasized in patients with olfactory dysfunction to promote their quality of life.


