

背景:了解台灣地區以鐙骨造孔術治療耳硬化症患者其預後改善的情形,以建立本土資料。方法:收集從2000年1月到2008年12月間在本院,耳硬化症病人接受鐙骨造孔術治療,並有至少兩年的追蹤,共43耳。以術前及術後的純音聽力檢查評估聽力狀況,並比較聽力改善的情形。結果:比較術前及術後純音聽力檢查聽力閾值,除4例無改善外,其餘皆獲得改善,占90.7%。此外,術後的氣骨導差(術後氣導減去術後骨導)改善至10 dB內者,占81.4%,在15 dB以內可達88.4%。所有患者皆無術後感染、鼓膜破損、外淋巴瘻管、面神經麻痺之副作用,但有3例於術後兩年有耳蝸聽力喪失(12.5 dB、10.5 dB、13 dB)。結論:在鐙骨手術中,一般認為鐙骨造孔術對耳蝸的傷害較小,術後併發症較少,且對於高頻聽力有較好的改善效果。在本院施行的鐙骨造孔術,大多數患者術後聽力皆獲得改善,結果並不亞於國外學者的報告,故仍不失為國人治療耳硬化症的有效策略。(台耳醫誌 2012; 47:63-67)


BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to evaluate the improvement of prognosis in patients who received the stapedotomy and to establish data for Taiwan.METHODS: There were 43 otosclerotic ears treated with stapedotomy in our hospital from January 2000 to December 2008. Postoperative follow-up was regularly arranged for at least two years. Preoperative and postoperative pure tone audiometry was assessed to compare the efficacy of stapedotomy.RESULTS: When comparing air conduction hearing threshold between preoperative and postoperative pure tone audiometry, approximately 90.7% of the otosclerotic ears showed improvement. Most of the postoperative air-bone gaps were decreased. The proportion of postoperative air-bone gap of within 10 dB was 81.4%, and that of within 15 dB was 88.4%. No serious complications such as infection, tympanic membrane perforation, perilymph leakage, facial palsy or total sensorineural hearing loss were observed postoperatively.CONCLUSION: Stapedotomy is considered to cause less trauma to the cochlea and less comorbidity as well as providing greater improvement of hearing for high frequency. The outcome of stapedotomy in our hospital is similar to reports from overseas and stapedotomy can be a strategy of choice for otosclerosis in Taiwan. (J Taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2012; 47:63-67)


stapedotomy otosclerosis stapes surgery
