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Topographic Measurements of the Macular Hole with Topographic Scanning System (TopSS)-Preliminary Report


我們在門診,以彩色眼底攝影及眼底鏡檢查黃斑部破孔(Macular hole),要分辨究竟是屬迫切性(impending)或前黃斑部破孔(pre-macular lesion)或全層性(full-thickness)黃斑部破孔,實在有些困難且易誤診。我們利用地誌式掃瞄分析儀可測量其深度及高度。本報告之五位病人的有效面積(effective area)平約為0.745±0.294平方公釐,凹陷之體積(volume below)為0.115±0.071立方公釐、凸出表平面之體積(volume above)為0.088±0.060立方公釐,最大深度(max. depth)為0.497±0.102mm,平均深度(average depth)為0.141±0.045mm,平均斜率(average slope)為42.64±3.65°。並與其另一眼及二十四位正常人之三十五眼做比較,發現其中以平均斜率較有意義。




The Topographic Scanning System (TopSS) can be used to assess optic disc topography and provides an accurate and reproducible method for quantifying optic nerve abnormalities in glaucoma and other optic neuropathy. We utilized it to analyze five cases with macular hole about the effective area, depth, slope, and volume below of the holes. This instrument mainly consists of a diode laser (780nm) as the light source, a spatial filter assembly with beam expander, galvanometer scanner, an active optical focusing unit and a confocal detection unit; therefore, the scanning light beam entering the human eye is focused by the cornea and lens, and thus the retina is sequentially illuminated point by point in three dimensions. The real-time images often can be obtained in eyes with undilated pupils and cataracts. We originally assumed that the volume below of the holes should be correlated to the stage of macular hole, but the results are too variable due perhaps to fibrosis, drusen or blood vessels within the hole. Moreover, the average slope is of less deviation and seems to be trusted. We present and discuss thes measurements by this instrument.
