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Pleomorphic Adenoma of Lacrimal Gland-Case Report


本文報告一例淚腺之多形性腺瘤(Pleomorphic adenoma of lacrimal gland),除了運用傳統檢查如超音波、電腦斷層攝影、組織病理確認外,並加上彩色都卜勒血流圖(color Doppler flow imaging)來量化其血流動力學。 一位六十歲女性病患,因左眼紅及異物感達兩天來院求診。三年前即發現左眼逐漸外突,既往歷與家族史無特殊意義,也無甲狀腺或其他全身系統上的疾病。超音波檢查可見左眼球外上方受腫瘤壓迫,眼窩部電腦斷層攝影顯示出左眼窩之上顯部,包括淚腺處有腫塊,左眼球向前及向下移位,外直肌向內移,彩色都卜勒血流圖則顯示腫瘤有豐富的血流供應。經由側眼窩探開術(lateral orbitotomy),摘除一表面光滑,包囊完整,大小約2 × 1 × 0.7cm的腫塊,病理切片檢查証實為淚腺的多形性腺瘤。 本病例以彩色都卜勒血流圖提供腫瘤血液供應之形態及量化其血流動力,可作為診斷淚腺之多形性腺瘤的參考。




This case presents a pleomorphic adenoma of lacrimal gland. Besides traditional examinations such as ultrasound, computer tomography, pathologic identification, we use color Doppler flow imaging to demonstrate its hemodynamics. A 60-year-old female patient suffered from left eye redness and foreign body sensation for 2 days. Progressive proptosis was also noted since 3 years ago. Past history and family history were not particular. No thyroid or other systemic disease contributory. Ultrasound showed left orbit compressed by tumor superiotemporally. Orbital CT showed a tumor mass involving the left lacrimal gland. Eye ball was displaced anterioinferiolly. Lateral rectus muscle was displaced medially. Color Doppler flow imaging presents enriched blood supply of the tumor. After lateral orbitotomy, an encapsulated, sized about 2 × 1 × 0.7 cm tumor was extirpared. Pathology reported the pleomorphic adenoma of lacrimal gland. Color Doppler flow imaging not only provides the morphology of tumor and its blood supply but also quantitates its hemodynamics. It gives us more information for diagnosis of the pleomorphic adenoma of lacrimal gland.
