  • 期刊


Building Model Establishment and Operation for Semi-Automatic Building Extraction


三維城市空間資訊系統(3D City Spatia1 Information System)更能展現城市的空間面貌及性質,是為目前研發的趨勢。而建立三維城市空間資訊系統最迫切的工作是建物資訊的收集,本研究提出一套半自動化CSG模型式建物萃取法以萃取建物之三維資訊,並闡述如何以CSG 理論建置建物模型及說明相關的操作,以配合半自動化的模型式建物萃取理論。首先分析整理常見的建物類型,依據CSG理論據以建置單一類元件及複合類元件兩種類型的房屋模型庫,如此可依照CSG之樹狀組合原則建構出完整的複雜建物模型。每一個建物元件均附帶有一組模型參數,操作員在選取適當的元件後,可透過參數的更動使模型的外觀及姿態與影像中的房屋外形套合。本文將介紹在套合程序中相關的元件模型操作方法,透過CSG模型的建置與實際操作,以實驗證明本文所提方法之可行性,作為未來建置半自動化模型式建物萃取實際應用系統的藍本。


Developing a 3D city spatial information system to vividly model a city is currently an intensive research area in the field of digital photogrammetry. In this study area, extracting building information is the most important work. This study proposed a semi-automatic CSG model-based building extraction method to acquire precise, reliable and complete 3D data of buildings. In this paper, how to apply CSG theory for building models and related model operations are illustrated, so that we can employ it in the semi-automatic model-based building extraction. To investigate how the CSG model fits real buildings, we analyzed and classified the characteristics of common building shapes. Based on the investigation, a CSG building model base containing simple and compound primitives is proposed. By combining the primitives, we can construct complex building models. Each building primitive will be associated with a set of parameters that can be modified to perform model-image fitting. The methods and tests of model operation for model-image fitting will be introduced. This study draws a blueprint for semi-automatic building extraction.


