  • 期刊


Petrochemical Industry and Localities in Taiwan-A Comparative Study


經由對宜蘭、雲林兩地“六輕”案社會過程的比較,本文檢討了地方社會運動、資本投資策略,以及“地域性的效果”,來具體說明石化工業與地方發展之間複雜的動態過程。我們初步的結論是地方態度的迥異,關鍵在於地方政府能否形構不同的地方發展計劃,以及不同的計劃所形成共識差異。我們也指出在前一階段的發展計劃中空間分工的位置-地方在區域或不同尺度的生產循環體系中所扮演的角色,相當結構性地決定了新共識的內容。兩個地方政府在針對地方危機中,各自發展出一整套空間發展的歷史性計劃;在現階段的台灣社會中,這一計劃往往是以土地商品利益為核心,而這也影響了六輕計劃在不同地方所面臨的抗阻的大小不同。 簡言之,本文指出地域性是空間分工中的社會-空間單位,它是地方社會關係的表現,也具備了能動性。而地方政府、地方利益集團、地方社會團體所形成的地方行動者之決策核心與過程,對空間意義的界定與再界定,往往體現爲團結內部、抵制對手的空間策略,這也是理解六輕投資案所造成的事件之關鍵。


Through the comparative study between I-Lan case and You-Lin case, we review the relationships among local social movement, capital in vestment strategy and locality effect in mobilization. By so doing, we can grape the picture of the dynamics of the petrochemical industry and local development. We concluded that the difference in the local attitudes to the industry depends on the condition if local governments can develop their alternatives to the petrochemical industrial program. We also suggested that the role which the locality play in the previous stage of spatial division of labor is critical on the formation of new local concensus. To Cope with the local spatial crises, the two local governments respectively propose the two difference sets of historical projects. In nowaday Taiwan social context, they have something to do with the land speculation, and affect the magnitudes of frictions the petrochemical industry need to overcome. In a word, through a case analysis of the sixth Cracker Project, the paper aims to compare the different reactions from the two localities towards the investment proposal. The research finds out that locality effect, which based on the interaction between the local spatial structures and the local social agents, activates in the event of the investment project. Moreover, the (re) definition of the spatial meanings of localities and the strategies of local governments constitute the core issues in the controversial events.


林育群(2006)。新應許之地? 桃園地區跨國移工勞動力再生產之空間〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2006.02124
