  • 期刊


Bio-technology, Health Policy, and Civil Society: Interpreting the Ethic Implications of Medical Hegemonic Shifts




In Taiwan, while public consensus seemly to be easily reached on the expectations and fears of cloned people, the aspiration of genetic engineering and Human Genome Project, and the out-of-context ways of learning policy strategies from abroad in an attempt to address the problems of our National Health Insurance, isn't the idea of technological development embedded in a particular way of social imagination? Adopting a discourse analysis, this paper ascertains the social and cultural meanings of developing bio-technology and health policy under current hegemonic shift in Taiwan. Through a Marcusian Lens of new sensibility, this paper attempts to avoid the intellectual trap of taking conflicts between science and humanity for granted, to solve the historically recurrent conflicts between the state and civil society, and to create a new vision for social and cultural formation.


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李珮瑜(2013)。Herbert Marcuse科技觀探究及其教育意蘊〔博士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-0801201418030117
