  • 期刊


Resistance in Oppression, Expression in Silence: The Discursive Empowerment in Taiwan Women's Coping with Sexual Harassment




The literature has suggested that, women surviror of sexual harassment tend to adopt passive coping strategies, such as ignoring or avoiding the harassers, in order to survive the oppressive patriarchal system. Nevertheless, mainstream feminists maintain that women's passive copings tend to sustain and re-enforce the oppressive system from which they try to escape. Power feminists present an alternative perspective on defining resistance by and empowerment for women. Based on conceptualizing sexual harassment as discursive practice, they suggest that sexual harassment studies examine the dialectics of silence and expression, and oppression and resistance in women's discursive construction of coping strategies. The present study interviewed 9 women for their construction of their own coping strategies to sexual harassment and sexual assault. In adopting power feminist perspectives to analyze the discursive data, this study found a dialectical relationship between oppression and resistance and a possible transcendence of human agency over social structure. For example, women survivors of sexual harassment, as knowledgeable agents, were able to formulate self preservation strategies based on their social positions and personal resources in responding to sexual harassment incidents. This study considers the coping of affirmative weakness indicative of women's agency instead of total subordination to patriarchy. Furthermore, this study found that some women were able to acquire critical understanding of the patriarchal structure and to affirm their life experience through their coping discourse to sexual harassment. Thus, the study findings support power feminist perspective that women's discursive construction of their coping strategies to sexual harassment indicate possible subversion to and transcendence over the oppressive patriarchy in Taiwan.


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