  • 期刊


Occurrence and Control Strategies of Crop Soil Sickness due to Plant Parasitic Nematodes



作物在定期及定點的單相或高頻度種植時,出現產量降低、重植問題和忌地現象,而可以長程輪作或除疫方式予以改善的,稱之爲連作障害。因植物病原線蟲所造成的連作障害,損失高達30至100%。迄今本省記載之31屬41種線蟲中,引起作物連作障害的首推根瘤線蟲(Meloidogyne incognita 、M. javanica 、M. arenaria 、M. hapla),其次則爲南方根腐線蟲 (Pratylenchus coffeae)及柑桔線蟲(Tylenchulus semipenetrans) 。近來,水稻根瘤線蟲(M. graminicola)在水稻和大蒜輪作田亦導致不適作情形。本省發生之連作障害之作物多爲長期耕作系統、短期休閒農事及非輪作性之單季、一年、二年或多年生植物。針對本省作物線蟲病連作障害之防治對策,除了施用殺線蟲劑外,慎選健康種苗及抗線蟲砧木、輪作非寄主作物、添加有機質、生物防治及太陽能/尿素土壤消毒都是可行之道。


作物線蟲病 連作障害 對策


Yield loss, replanting problem and soil sickness always occur when crops are grow on the same land of certain period in a monoculture or permanent cultivation system with high cropping frequency. These cropping disadvantages which can be improved by the long-term rotation disinfestation is called sickness due to continuous cropping". Soil sickness due plant parasitic nematodes is a serious problem all over the world because if causes high economic yield loss by 30 to 100%. There are 31 genera and species of plant-parasitic nematodes recognized in Taiwan, though root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita M. javanica M. arenaria M. hapla) root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus coffeae) and citrus nematode (Tylenchulus semipenetrans) were the major found on crop soil sickness due to phytonematodes. Recently, M graminicola, a new nematode in Taiwan caused damage on rice-gallic rotation field. Soil sickness due to phytonematodes occurred on permanent cultivation. short period fallowing, and non-rotated monoseasonal annual biennial or perennial crops in Taiwan Management of the soil sickness described in this paper reli on specific basic strategies, including using healthy seedling/resistant stock, non-host adding organic amendments, biological control, urea treated solarisation of soil and/or chemical control.


袁華靖(2016)。篩選具抑制花生根瘤線蟲(Meloidogyne arenaria)的內生細菌以開發成新穎之生物農藥〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0028-2305201622272900
