  • 期刊


Characterization of Sunflower Bacterial Leaf Spot and Its Bacteriocide Screening


民國91年夏天,於苗栗大湖地區所種植向日葵葉片、莖、花瓣及花萼上發現褐色圓形或不規則的病斑,葉片病斑周圍具黃暈,嚴重者病斑呈龜裂狀,病斑數多時葉片易黃化脫落。在莖、花瓣及花萼上的病斑周圍不具黃暈。92年夏天該病也在彰化及桃竹地區發現。本病經鑑定確認爲革蘭氏陰性,桿狀,具極生鞭毛之好氣性細菌,在KB培養基上産生熒光色素,以Biolog鑑定結果與Pseudomonas cichorii(Swingle)Stapp.(P. syringae)相似度在0.85-1.0間,經生理生化測試確認病原菌爲P. cichorii。因該病原菌主要引起斑點病徵,故稱爲向日葵細菌性葉斑病(bacterial leaf spot)。此病害爲台灣向日葵病害之首次記載。測試市售11種藥劑在一般使用深度下對該病菌生長這抑制效果,顯示除甲基鋅乃浦對該病菌之生長無抑制作用外,其餘10種藥劑包括鏈黴素、四環黴素、鏈四環黴素、嘉賜黴素、多保鏈黴素、氫氧化銅、鹼性氯氧化銅、嘉賜銅、鋅錳乃浦及銅鋅錳乃浦等藥劑均能抑制病原菌生長,而所有藥劑中以四環黴素及多保鏈黴素二種藥劑效果最佳。


A newly occurred bacterial disease was found on sunflower in Tahu, Miaoli county 2002. The symptoms of the disease occurred on leaf, stem, petal and calyx. It first appeared as a brown spot or irregular spot with yellow halo. The pathogen isolated was further identified as Pseudomonas cichorii Stapp based on the culture characters and Biolog analysis. Due to the symptom it caused, the disease was named bacterial leaf spot. This is the first record of the disease in Taiwan. On screening the effectiveness of eleven bacteriocides, tetracycline and thiophanate methyl plus streptomycin were the most effective.
