

隨著男女平等觀念的開放,愈來愈多的現代女性對休閒潛水,甚至職業潛水產生興趣。由於女性的特有組織結構與賀爾蒙的週期變化,以及懷孕時胎兒與母體間的互動關係等,可能直接影響到潛水時的生理反應,而使女性潛水員面臨較男性潛水員更多的危險性。 生理特徵與潛水安全女性的體脂肪佔全身體重的比例則較男性爲高。脂肪組織有保護體熱的作用。但是因爲女性體型較嬌小,體表面積與身體體積比例增加,散熱面積相對較男性爲大。而且其肌肉所佔比例較低,產熱來源少,所以女性在水中對寒冷的耐受力反而較男性爲弱。由於造成潛水減壓病的惰性氣體都是高脂溶性的氣體,脂肪組織的多寡與潛水減壓病的發生機會有關係密切。月經前症候群是由於賀爾蒙的改變,使得末端血液循環趨於緩慢,而產生體液滯留、以及焦慮不安、悲觀沮喪、甚至喜怒無常等生理心理症狀。心理症狀可能會干擾潛水員的判斷力、仲氮迷醉的症狀複雜化、以及影響潛水夥伴間的合作關係。通常男女性潛水員所用的減壓表設計上並沒差別,所以潛水專家們建議,女性潛水員若是潛水深度、時間接近或超過無需減壓限制,最好採用安全層級高一層的減壓表。 懷孕與潛水安全 懷孕最明顯的變化是母體本身的體液和脂肪組織都增加。懷孕通常也會造成輕微水腫。所以懷孕的母體可能比一般女性潛水員更容易得潛水減壓病。鼻腔黏膜水腫會造成鼻竇及中耳擠壓症。孕吐若發生在潛水時,則可能侵入面罩及供氣系統,甚至造成恐慌而發生致命性的意外。至於胎兒脂肪組織少且血液循環快,氣泡形成的機會小。但是由於缺少肺循環的過濾,任何在回心血中的氣泡,會經肺動脈和主動脈間的導管進入體循環,造成嚴重的中樞神經血管或冠狀動脈栓塞。而在胚胎時期,即使一個小氣泡形成或只造成一個細胞受損,都可能是致命性的,因爲這個細胞可能是分化成某個重要器官的原始細胞。另外,一但潛水員得了減壓病,治療過程都含有呼吸高壓氧氣的時段。高濃度的氧氣可能會造成胎兒嚴胎兒心血管畸形、視網膜纖維化、甚至胎死腹中的危險。 由於某些與生俱來的生理特性,女性潛水員可能較男性潛水員容易發生潛水意外事故。女性潛水員在潛水前應特別注意自己的生理狀況,做好適當的潛水計畫。若是潛水深度時間必需接近或超過無需減壓限制,減壓時最好採用安全層級高一層的減壓表。懷孕增加孕婦本身得減壓病的危險性;而潛水可能造成的氣泡形成、高壓氧暴露、以及身心的壓力,都可能嚴重地傷害到胎兒。


The anatomical physiological, and psychological differences between men and women lead to a higher risk for diving accident in women. Females have higher percentage of body fat, which increases the risk for decompression sickness. Premenstrual syndrome includes psychological symptoms such as irritability, anger, hostility, and moddiness. No one should dive who evidences depressive or irritable tendencies, The retarded peripheral circulation and fluid retention, which are often revealed in the premenstrual period, may diminish gas elimination from tissue and hence may increase the risk for decompression sickness. The hazard of diving during pregnancy extends beyond decompression sickness. Druing pregnancy, women increase body fat and third-space fluids, offering a reservoir for nitrogen retention. Nasopharyngeal swelling may cause squeeze in ears and sinuses. It has never been overemphasized that any diving hazard has the potential to harm the fetus. In an embryo, any single cell damage by air bubble formation may lead to birth defect or fetal death. The fetal cardiovascular system lacks an effective filter; therefore any bubble formed will be directed to the brain and coronary arteries causing stillborn. A diving accident often necessitates hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which potentially lead to fetal oxygen toxicity. In summary, women are at a higher risk for diving accidents that men are and pregnancy increase the diving risk to both mather and fetus. Therefore, women should take greater caution during diving and pregnant women should not dive.



