  • 期刊


Change in Family Functioning during Perinatal Period in High-Risk Pregnancy with Preterm Labor Pattern


此研究的目的是探討有早産現象的高危險妊娠對家庭的影響。研究的理論架構是用環綱模式(circumplex model)描述夫妻在週産期階段因爲有早産現象時,其家庭功能的改變。研究樣本是取自美國尼蘇達州明尼波利斯市的亞培西北醫院的産前住院病房。共立意取樣8個有早産現象百入院的家庭。研究工具是家庭功能臨床評量表。評估的時間是取樣時、一個月後和生産後的第46週。研究結果顯示有一半的家庭在凝衆性和適應性上有所改變。家庭的知覺、家庭的溝通和家庭的支援會影響整個家庭的系統功能。大部分的家庭其家庭功能是「彈性地融合」。結果刀顯示大部分有早産現象和生産早産兒的父母認爲此經驗是一種壓力,而且覺得家庭的支持是很重要的。


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect that high-risk pregnancy with preterm labor has on the family. This study utilized the circumplex model to describe changes in family functioning during the perinatal period in couples who experienced preterm labor/delivery. A convenience sample of eight families with preterm labor was selected from the antepartum unit of Abbott Northwestern Hospital. In this study, the clinical rating scale (CRS) was used for rating the behavior of a family system based on several members. The family was assessed at the time of recruitment, one month later, and again at four to six weeks during subject's post-partum period. The findings revealed that half of the families in this study changed their cohesiveness and adaptability. It cannot be certain what caused the change. However, it was found that family perception, family communication, and family support affected the whole family system function. Most of the families were in the mid-range typology dimensions of family function of “flexibly enmeshed.” Interview data revealed that parents were distressed following a preterm labor and birth, and they felt family support was very important during this period.


