  • 期刊


Effects of Social Skill Training on Improving Expression and Communication of Hospitalized Psychotic Patients


社交技巧訓練是現今精神科臨床護理工作中應用極廣的一項護理治療,用以矯治因退縮、羞怯與心理障礙所導致之社交功能互動不良之行爲。本研究之主要目的有二:(1)探討北部地區某兩所精神醫療機構精神病患表在與溝通之社交功能;(2)探討與比較社交技巧訓練於改善研究樣本於上述社交功能之成效。 本研究採類實驗法設計,於民國81年11月至82年5月間,以六位臨床資深護理治療師分別於兩所醫療機構進行此項治療活動。取樣對象以上述醫療機轉中之28位日或夜間留院病患爲主,樣本隨機方式分別組成實驗與對照兩組,對照組樣本僅接受傳統式護理處置與醫療照顧;而研究組樣本除接受上述處置外,另接受連續五至八週,每週六次(每次各三十分鍾)之團體社交技巧訓練,訓練項目以社交問候、表達與溝通等特殊情境之應對等主題爲主,治療成效於治療前、後,研究者以結構式評估表針對病患社交能力測量之。24份完整之研究資料以ANOVA、相關法、卡方檢定等統計方法驗證研究假說,其結果顯示:社交技巧訓練對改善表達與溝通上多有顯著性成效。本研究結果支持社交技巧訓練之臨床應用與推廣之價值。


Social skill training is among the most recent and most popular of approaches to the remediation of psychological problems, the enhancement of interpersonal effectiveness, and the general improvement of the quality of life. The purposes of the study are as follows: (l) to examine the level of expression and communication of hospitalized psychotic patients selected from two different medical and psychiatric facilities; (2) to examine the effects of social skill training on improving level of independence. A two-group quasi-experimental research design was conducted. A sample of 28 psychotic patients was selected from two different medical facilities from November 1992 to May 1993 and assigned randomly to one of two groups: 1)treatment group, in which subjects in the group received social skill training six times(30 minutes/time) a week for five to eight weeks by one of six trained nurses. The contents included: social relations, self expression, communication and coping skills in specific situations; 2) control group which patiants received no social skill training but traditional care. Pre and post assessments were measured. Statistical techniques, such as ANOVA, correlation, chi-square were used to analyze 24 subjects' completed data. The most significant contribution of the study will be to build up a nursing therapy model and improve quality of psychiatric nursing care.


林靜蘭(2007)。疾病管理模式於重返社區之精神分裂症病患 的成效性研究〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.01593
