  • 期刊


Cumulative Mortality Rates and Cumulative Rates of Potential Life Lost For Main Causes of Death in Different Administrative Areas in Taiwan




Objectives: This paper compares the main causes of death in different administrative areas in Taiwan using indices of cumulative mortality rate (CR) and cumulative rate of potential life lost (CRPLL). Methods: Age-specific population numbers and death numbers were abstracted from Vital statistics in Taiwan, 1991-2000. CRs and CRPLLs in different administrative areas in Taiwan were calculated. Results: Among the causes of death that were studied, malignant neoplasm was the highest CR for males (~32%) and for females (~19%) in most administrative areas. (Cerebrovascular disease was the highest CR [~21 %] for females in aboriginal townships.) CRs are higher as the level of the administrative area becomes lower. For males, accidents and adverse effects were the highest CRPLL in every administrative area. This figure amounted up to 1,733 days in aboriginal townships. For females, malignant neoplasm was the highest CRPLL (~190 days) in metropolitan clues, provincial cities, and urban townships, whereas accidents and adverse effects was the highest CRPLL in rural (210 days) and aboriginal (558 days) townships. The ranking of the various causes of death using the CRPLL indices was similar in most administrative areas, but it changed Tram fifth to second and the ranking of tuberculosis climbed from ninth to sixth. Conclusions: The results of this study could be a reference for health agencies, central or local, inorder to make policies. CR and CRPLL can be simply calculated and their meanings are transparent. It is recommended that they be routinely compiled in official vital statistics.


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